Paralles、Parallels Desktop 11 for Macをアップデート、macOS Sierraの不具合を修正




Parallels Desktop 11 for Mac 11.2.1

Parallelsが、Mac上でWindowsを実行できる「Parallels Desktop 11 for Mac」をアップデートしてv11.2.1の配布を開始しています。


このバージョンでの変更点で主なものとしては、macOS Sierraのベータ版を使用する際にゲストOSでスペースキーが利用できない不具合があった点を修正したとしています。

This update for Parallels Desktop 11 for Mac 11.2.1 (32626) addresses overall stability and performance issues, and includes the following fixes:
Resolves an issue with the Windows 10 Insider Preview Start menu not showing up in Coherence
Resolves an issue with Parallels Desktop crashing on quit when downloading a Free System from the New Virtual Machine assistant
Resolves an issue with Parallels Tools not installing in OpenSUSE Linux 42.1
Resolves an issue with not connecting to Mint 17.3 and Ubuntu 16.04 virtual machines via VNC if Parallels Tools are installed
Resolves an issue with an error switching to Coherence in Ubuntu 16.04 virtual machines
Resolves an issue with a kernel panic when upgrading OS X Mavericks virtual machine to OS X El Capitan
Resolves an issue with the Space key not working in virtual machines after upgrading the host OS to macOS Sierra Preview or Public Beta
Resolves an issue with sharing Windows with a macOS Sierra host OS
Resolves an issue with accidental sticky keys in OS X virtual machines
Resolves an issue with bridging to tagged VLAN networks
Resolves an issue with desktop visual artefacts in Ubuntu virtual machines on the MacBook 12-inch Retina


ParallelsでmacOS Sierraを動かすにはEl Capitanからアップデートすることはできませんでしたが、El Capitanを利用して別ディスクへインストールすることは可能でした。パブリックベータ版を使ってみたい人は試してみてください。

[macOS]Parallels Desktop 11 for Macを使ってmacOS Sierra Public Betaをインストールしてみた – Macと過ごす日々wp